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Telco Consumer Segment: Meet the Digital Pioneers - Part 1: Values and Behaviours


In today’s tech-driven world, you are either a digital migrant or a digital native.

Digital migrants did not grow up with the Internet and digital technology, so they had to learn and adapt to a digital working style during their adult years. Digital natives, on the other hand, grew up surrounded by digital technology, making them familiar with computers and the internet from an early age.

As future generations continue to grow up around technology, digital natives will remain a massive consumer segment that will continue to increase.

Generation Z, born between 1996 and 2012, is one such generation and is expected to make up 25 percent of Asia Pacific’s population by 2025. They join the large population of digital natives, which also includes tech-savvy millennials in the workforce.1

With that in mind, your telco brand needs to dive into deeper digital native subsets that you can cater to.

In our earlier research, we uncovered four subsets of digital natives:

Digital Pioneers
(also known as digital vanguards) are heavy users of data who want flexibility, data, and outstanding customer experiences
Savvy Selectors
who have high expectations and are discerning and critical of telcos
Price Chasers
who look for the best prices and stable telco services
who are indifferent and uninvolved with telcos

From these four, we decided to dive deeper into a specific subset: Digital Pioneers.

Why Focus on Digital Pioneers?

Digital Pioneers are a subset of Digital Natives characterized by high mobile data usage and deep engagement with digital activities. They actively integrate digital services into their daily lives, favoring telcos that deliver seamless, high-quality digital experiences. Unlike price-sensitive consumers, Digital Pioneers prioritize reliability, innovation, and premium service offerings, making them a valuable segment for telcos seeking to enhance customer loyalty and engagement.

These characteristics make Digital Pioneers the ideal customers for digital mobile operator brands looking to offer premium digital customer experiences and high-value mobile plans.

To better understand this segment, we conducted a market-wide study involving digitally savvy consumers aged 18-55 across four key markets: Singapore, Australia, Japan, and Taiwan.

Our research included 4,000 respondents—1,000 from each country—and focused on individuals who use advanced mobile data and engage in high levels of digital engagement.
The study encompassed users from Circles and non-Circles telco providers to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the segment.
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The study highlighted the remarkable consistency among Digital Pioneers across different countries. This allows global digital telcos to take a single, tailored approach to targeting and serving digital pioneers worldwide.

The Digital Pioneers’ World

From our research, Digital Pioneers can be described as optimistic, creative, knowledgeable, curious, discerning, and seeking to lead the pack:

They are optimistic about the future.
Whether in self-expression or solving life problems, digital pioneers always choose to see things from a different angle.
Digital pioneers keep themselves up-to-date on technology.
They are always looking to discover the new and unknown in both their digital and physical worlds.
Digital pioneers do not always seek out the cheapest or the latest. They choose what’s of great value and relevant to them.
They are among the first to adopt new technological products and services that work for them.

However, they aren’t just premium first movers who adopt new tech just for the sake of it. They are:

  • Discerning about the value they get but not merely seeking the cheapest prices.
  • They are knowledgeable about technology and adopt it when it is relevant to them, but they do not merely adopt new technology for the sake of adopting it.
  • They have high spending power but are willing to make trade-offs. Unlike most premium customers, they are not willing to pay for the best of everything.
  • They value flexibility, convenience, trust, and delight but are not merely seeking out big brand names.

Digital Pioneers Live Their Lives Online:

Digital pioneers use the Internet for almost everything and can spend 4 to 10 hours a day online:

Power Users With A Device For Every Need

Digital Pioneers are avid multitaskers. They often use laptops and tablets as second screens for social media or gaming in addition to their primary activities. On average, Digital Pioneers own 3.6 Internet-enabled devices, including game consoles, streaming devices, laptops, and tablets.

They are also the most likely segment to identify as gamers. Many respondents in our study owned a Nintendo Switch or PS4 and were significantly interested in purchasing a PS5. In 2023, a notable portion of this group invested in video games or game-related downloadable content (DLC).

However, Technology Comes With Some Tensions

However, being around technology also creates some tensions among digital pioneers. We compiled three of the most common tensions they brought up during the study:

The pressure of being ‘always on’
Being constantly connected has both good and bad sides – and the desire to ‘switch off’ completely is always there.
“I have work and personal phones, so I’m always contactable. It’s like being on call 24 hours. I want to have a clear boundary between work and personal life. Otherwise, no quality of life.” - Chou, TW
Information overload
Tech should make life easier – but currently, it can overwhelm or complicate things with breadth of choice/sources.
“There’s sometimes too much to sift through in any meaningful way. So you have to dip in and out of it without consuming everything, which sometimes can be hard  because sometimes I just want to consume so much.” - Amparo, AU
Low tolerance for inconveniences
It's a headache when tech doesn’t work, but Digital Pioneers have their fixes in place to avoid disruption.
“When I’m out of range, e.g., in the bedroom, switch manually to data because it is faster for streaming. If you’re going to wait for the phone to change the setting, it’s going to take a while.” - Jasmine, SG

Introducing the Four Types of Digital Pioneers

This overview only scratches the surface regarding what our research uncovered about Digital Pioneers. Four distinct mindsets emerged based on how they use their phone and by their individual-social orientation:

Collective Social Orientation:

The Sage/ Guru values being seen as an expert in their passions. They invest time and effort in acquiring and sharing knowledge and expertise in their areas of interest, such as creating and sharing short videos about these topics.

The Creative Expressionist expresses their unique personality by staying true to themselves and their artistic interests and joining like-minded online communities. They enjoy creative pursuits and care about aesthetics, want the freedom and flexibility to live a creative life, and seek to express their unique personalities daily.

Individual Social Orientation:

The Efficient Executor believes that a planned and efficient approach to life keeps it smooth. They seek efficiency in everything they do and maintain control over their life by using technology to stay organized, minimize effort, and maximize free time.

The Diversion Seeker uses online activities to find comfort and switch off from everyday routine through diversions. They constantly seek ways to escape the daily grind and seek more balance and fulfillment but can’t always find it.

We’ll dive deeper into these mindsets in our next article. Stay tuned!

What This Means for Digital Mobile Operators

Delivering exceptional, customer-centric services and experiences is crucial for standing out in today’s competitive telco markets. Understanding your target audience—their pain points, values, and behaviors—is the foundation for providing unparalleled customer experiences.

At Circles, we’re committed to continually improving our offerings. Stay tuned for the next article, where we explore the four distinct mindsets of Digital Pioneers and how telcos can better serve this dynamic segment.

Looking Ahead: A Deeper Dive into Digital Pioneer Mindsets

This article only provides an overview of Digital Pioneers. In the following articles in this series, we’ll explore their four unique personas—sages, Creative Expressionists, Efficient Executors, and Divert Seekers—and uncover how telcos can craft offerings tailored to these distinct mindsets.

At Circles, we’re serious about putting customers first and learning more about them to develop innovative and scalable telco customer experiences.

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